Answer: Carefully remove the squirrel from the trap and dispose of it in a plastic bag. Dont expect these nasty creatures to get into a trap, if there is nothing tasty in it. Does Plaster Of Paris Kill Rats? Mix thoroughly, Place the bait jars in the areas where the rodents frequent. Conibear 110. And backyard seating? I am now at the point of not caring if they die. put by trees and add as needed new mix they will eat and get constipated and be gone for good. It is a powerful neurotoxin and there is NO known antidote for it. You can kill 50 and soon 100 will replace them whats a legal and lethal way to rid these Isis like creatures squirrel pest driving me and my wife bazooka in the city, i have two squirrel that goes in a nd out of a hole that they torn on the vinyal sideing thats there method of getting in and out what can i but in the hole todrive them out, If you attach a piece of hardware cloth over the area (the one with 1/2 little squares) they can get out, but not get back in. There comes a time when killing is necessary. You can kill a squirrel using baking soda. These animals live up to 20 years. The sugar or chocolate will attract the rats, and the baking soda will soon kill them after they've consumed it. Baking soda combines with the stomach acids to produce carbon dioxide gas which rats are unable to tolerate. Human ancestors date back 6 million years ago. The cage can be set outside the attic entrance on the ground and this should take care of your attic problem also. Arent these the best ways to kill squirrels? If this doesnt work, you can replace it with a new one. but the ones that the people here have been using the ingredients do not seem to include Bromethalin. You humans are despicable! must shoot 600 FPS or greater, etc.). and you? 20122023 Pest Control Informational Resource. And NO I am not going to hire you or any professional. Got rid of noisy Blue Jays and Starlings (which ran off other song birds). Hell, even leaving one smack on top of the fence post as if to spite us. To kill rats, mix 1 tablespoon of peanut butter powder with 1 tablespoon of plaster of Paris and let them eat it. It our responsibility to respect and protect ALL of our fellow animals. Thankyou. Finger crossed. Im out of work and have no income .What is the best way to Poisen The Squirrells that come in and out of my Attic? Put them on fence posts and in trees. In many places, especially the southern states of the USA, squirrels are considers game animals (can be hunted for food), and poisoning them is ILLEGAL. You dont want a ticket costing you hundreds of dollars for accidentally violating your local game laws. ok i send you my repair for my house being rewired then whats your name and address and the damages to my house after replacing the holes they chewed in it. Dig out the little bastards dirt mounds and run that hose into their underground vietcong tunnels, get it in there good then cover and pack it with dirt..and then start your car if the squirrels are in there then theyll be dead soon enough. What a relief.