Any Supplementary Information should be submitted with the manuscript and will be sent to referees during peer review. The Editor contacts the author with the decision. on 22 Dec, 2017, Answered by Radhika Shridhar When creating and submitting digital files, please follow the guidelines below. The status of my submission changed from "Under Review" to "Ready for Decision" on November 8 and it has been constant since then. We ask that you keep this in mind when suggesting potential Reviewers. Authors are encouraged to consider the needs of colourblind readers (a substantial minority of the male population) when choosing colours for figures. Manuscripts judged to be of potential interest to our readership are sent for formal review, typically to two or three Reviewers. Especially the status 'Under review' encompasses many steps; while it may appear your manuscript is not progressing through the editorial process, a lot of activities may be happening during this part of the review process. Hao, Z., AghaKouchak, A., Nakhjiri, N. & Farahmand, A. waiting to send decision to author npj Mon - Sat: 7.00 - 17:00. waiting to send decision to author npj Response to Requests for Admission . NPJ BREAST CANCER . If the authors have successfully addressed all the comments of the Reviewers and the Editors, the Editors will deem the paper acceptable for publication in npj Vaccines. Manuscripts published in the npj Series journals are not subject to in-depth copy editing or display item redrawing as part of the production process. The submission remains at this status until you select "Build PDF for Approval". To obtain At submission, authors may suggest referees; these suggestions are often helpful, although they are not always followed. Declaring funding in the Acknowledgments can take one of the following forms: This study was funded by [funder name] [grant number where applicable]. In addition, Reviewers can access the manuscript online, which speeds up the review process. Under Creative Commons licences, authors retain copyright in their work. Schott, D. H., Collins, R. N. & Bretscher, A. Secretory vesicle transport velocity in living cells depends on the myosin V lever arm length. Authors should be listed last name first, followed by a comma and initials (followed by full stops) of given names. URLs for web sites should be cited parenthetically in the text, not in the reference list; articles in formal, peer-reviewed online journals should be included in the reference list. | Normal distribution: Many statistical tests require that the data be approximately normally distributed; when using these tests, authors should explain how they tested their data for normality. Does "Under Review" mean that the paper has passed the editorial check? Figures are best prepared at the size you would expect them to appear in print. The Editors-in-Chief then makes a final decision of accept or reject on any special issue article. All npj Series journals are guided by the Nature Portfolio editorial peer review policy. In legends, please use verbal explanations such as "open red triangles" rather than visual queues. //--> After acceptance, changes to the manuscript may be made so that papers conform to our style. Manuscripts submitted to the journal will be held to rigorous standards with respect to experimental methods and characterization of compounds. Research papers published by the journals represent important advances bringing new insight to a specialized area of research. Please refer to our editorial policies for more information. Unusual units or abbreviations should be spelled out in full or defined in the legend. [CDATA[> This guide outlines key points for preparing primary research manuscripts for submission to npj Precision Oncology. They will send a request for final submission accompanied by detailed instructions for final changes that need to be made. Best practice | |021-54481353 In either case, the revised manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter explaining how the manuscript has been changed, and a separate point-by-point response to referees' comments. The underlying code for this study [and training/validation datasets] is not publicly available but may be made available to qualified researchers on reasonable request from the corresponding author. Please enter your feedback to submit this form, Journal Article Publishing Support Center. Based on the Reviewer recommendations, you can use the action buttons to make a decision. Manuscripts should be submitted via the online submission system: Submit manuscript. To obtain Revised Submission Nearly all manuscripts are returned to the author with suggestions for revision, condensation, or final polish. 1.03 g, 0.100 mmol). Please note that modification of Supplementary Information after the paper is published requires a formal correction, so authors are encouraged to check their Supplementary Information carefully before submitting the final version. When the Editors begin to enter a decision it will move the status to 'Decision in Process'. If this is the case, your paper will have to wait for its turn to be evaluated by the editor. Nevertheless, articles published in these sections, particularly if they present technical information, may be peer-reviewed at the discretion of the Editors. Answer: When the status for a manuscript changes "Under Review" to "Ready for Decision", it means that the peer-review process is complete and only the editorial decision is pending. 3170 USD as publication fees (article processing charges or APCs). Three errors are particularly common: Multiple comparisons: When making multiple statistical comparisons on a single data set, authors should explain how they adjusted the alpha level to avoid an inflated Type I error rate, or they should select statistical tests appropriate for multiple groups (such as ANOVA rather than a series of t-tests). Graphs should include clearly labeled error bars. Reviewers submit their reports to the Editor. 1, 72 Yes, the season of waiting is difficult. A useful resource is Entrez Gene, available from NCBI. It is also appropriate to include suggested or excluded referees in the cover letter. Please do not upload each panel individually. The Methods must include a statistics and reproducibility section with the following information. (()--2020-0033) How do I find and access my journal's submission system. 0, :1.0 | :25.02021/08/16 Manuscript ReceivedEditor AssignedManuscript Under Consideration2021/08/24 Associate Editor assigned2021/08/27 Manuscript Under Consideration2021/09/01 Waiting to Send Decision to Author2021/09/02 Editorial decision: Reject before peer review, 95 The Editor may be reading and assessing the submission, assigning additional editors according to the journal's polices, or taking some other action outside of the system. ]]> Look up the journal's: Aims & scope Instructions for authors Editorial Board Blind peer review This journal checks for plagiarism . and JavaScript. These reviewers then need sufficient time to conduct a thorough review on your manuscript. So don't worry if its taking a long time: its just how the process works. Register for comprehensive research tips and expert advice on English writing, journal publishing, good publication practices, trends in publishing, and a lot more. 0, 14 31010402000380, , Each indicates a particular phase of the review process that usually happens in a certain order, however an individual submission can skip a phase, or return back to an earlier phase, depending on Editor actions. Are you sure you do not want to provide feedback? Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, do not currently satisfy our authorship criteria. The Associate Editor evaluates the submission, potentially in collaboration with other Editors (including in-house Managing Editors), and decides whether it should be sent for peer review based on the editorial criteria of the journal of novelty and significance and overall technical quality. Keep reminding the Editor about the status of your paper. Figures should not contain more than one panel unless the parts are logically connected; each panel of a multipart figure should be sized so that the whole figure can be reduced by the same amount and reproduced at the smallest size at which essential details are visible. The underlying code for this study [and training/validation datasets] is not publicly available for proprietary reasons. Author: NPJ Tornado Warning Issued - March 30, 2022; 11:21AM. PLOS ONE is a peer reviewed scientific journal with a rigorous editorial screening and assessment process made up of several stages. When acknowledging funding, our recommended best practice is that authors should acknowledge funders and grants on publications when the activities that contributed to that publication are within scope of the acknowledged grant and arise directly from a specific grant. Here, we have developed a screening system that enables us to determine the activation of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) by . Acknowledgements should be brief, and should not include thanks to anonymous Reviewersand Editors, or effusive comments.
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